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I have researched the Temple and I keep finding mixed responses wherever I look. This isn't a hoax I don't think.
But still, Is this real?


Frankly, you cannot actually research the Temple outside the Temple.

All you will find out there are either the ignorant, or those we had to remove from membership because they could not follow these simple civilized rules:

Are we real? Oh yes:

What do we really stand for?

We believe the value of the individual is superior to that of any group or tribe or nation or species.

In everything we do, we believe in challenging the power of anything opposing individual freedom.

The way we do this is by empowering individuals to achieve independent control over their lives through wealth, health, personal power, and unlimited life extension.

We created a worldwide organization with proven methods for making this possible.

Human beings commonly sacrifice their minds and lives for the causes of the groups they belong to.

This has helped the race to survive and thrive but devalues the individual for the sake of the tribe.

Yet you, the individual, have value surpassing that of any group.

Only your personal existence and happiness can give meaning to life.

The next step in personal freedom is a recognition of this truth and empowers the individual above any group or external cause.

Those rare and elite few who are ready to take this next step have the potential to bring more meaning to life.

We strive to find individuals who have this treasured potential and then share our secrets to give them more control and freedom.

If you are ready for mastery over your world, then we are here to empower you.

We empower you by first encouraging you to think for yourself.

This begins by recognizing beliefs for what they are: assumptions and ways of thinking inherited from groups.

Because we champion the individual above any group, we will never ask you to simply believe anything we tell you.

Instead we encourage you to apply yourself to what we suggest and prove to yourself the value of what we offer.

This is how thousands of others have discovered that what we say is true.

Our claims are not based on faith, but on verifiable truths.

You can bypass belief and test these truths for yourself.

We want you to.

It will empower you.

By always testing everything and believing nothing, we have developed an evolving and powerful toolkit that can grant you mastery over your life.

You can learn to think more clearly and independently and develop unshakable resolve.

You can benefit from tested and proven health advice and begin now to live better, longer, happier, and wiser.

You can discover what truly motivates people to behave as they do and use that knowledge to interact with them more effectively.

You can rise above the drudgery of endlessly working to make money and instead achieve true financial freedom.

We offer these and other secrets to you because we want you to gain real control over your life.

It is essential for championing the supreme value of individuality.

The supreme denial of your value as an individual is your own personal death.

To empower you against death, we offer an approach to spirituality that leverages the hidden powers of your personal psyche.

And we want you to test and prove its premises for yourself.

You can learn how to leverage the dreamlike thinking of your subconscious mind to open subtle pathways to your immortality.

You can learn to apply powerful metaphors to reliably access abilities that are usually considered “magic”.

You can personally discover the truth behind “mystical insights” while understanding and avoiding the errors of mystical thinking.

We approach religion and spirituality this way because it brings this domain under your personal control.

We want you to uplift your life and transcend your death.

And you can do so by embracing a powerful mythological symbol of immortality as your own:

The Vampire.

If you ready to stop wasting your time with the ignorant or the failed, we are waiting for you here.

In such a case, welcome!

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What you are doing is linking a very strongly believed and used word to your beliefs, simply and smartly to attract some people you figured may be partially weird (not saying weird is a bad thing exactly) and into vampires, who will then go on ahead and believe possibly everything you are saying.

It might seem like that to the casual observer.

What we intend to do is to offer some simple suggestions for those who are attracted to us so that they can determine the usefulness of those ideas.

We really do not want anyone to just believe what we claim. The entire intent of the Temple is actually quite different from that. We strive to enable true individual autonomy.

You say it is possible to become immortal, then go off saying you can increase your life expectancy by maybe a decade.

The Temple has identified three methods that can lead directly to immortality, two of which come directly from modern science and the third from our own traditions. There is a fourth that is being considered even as we speak.

We realize that "immortality" cannot be proven since you would first have to live forever to do so (and forever hasn't happened yet!). When we say immortality we refer to the ability to return to full physical life if you ever die.

Life extension is different from that and is probably what you are referring to by increasing "life expectancy". Cambridge gerontologist Aubrey de Grey is one researcher whose SENS project predicts that there are those alive today who can expect to see at least one thousand years of vibrant, healthy, and youthful life.

His is only one of several scientific life extension projects the Temple endorses.

I may be utterly wrong... and am very open minded to anything and everything there is to make life not so pointless, and interesting.

We live in a culture completely dominated by people who, throughout all of recorded history, have expected that death was inevitable. Death darkens the joy of life and it is only when that shadow is lifted that life can be seen and enjoyed with fresh eyes and eager anticipation of future pleasures and curiosities.

I have seen this transformation in our members who succeed in breaking free of the "deathist" perspective of our culture. We love life! Life is unending in its possibilities.

I'm an agnostic by the way.. Email back if what you say is true and give me a chance to see for myself you are even a bit of what you say you are

Good. A true agnostic is open to what is real and does not confine himself within a belief or disbelief system.

To see for yourself is what the Temple is entirely about.

Define your personal view on immortality...

Immortality is not dying dead forever but being able to return to life with a physical body here in this world as yourself.

Life extension is forestalling death, putting it off.

What exactly do you mean when you say "see at least one thousand years of vibrant, healthy, and youthful life."

Exactly that.

And that is not the final limit by any means.

You didn't quite answer the way I hoped. Do you mean expect to "live" for a thousand years?


Three ways:

(1) Our Nightside traditional approach.

This is alluded to in our public literature and at one point described by one of our Adepts to Art Bell on his national radio show a few years ago.

(2) Life Extension that is ongoing (not dying).

Aubrey de Grey has been quoted with regard to his conservative thousand year lifespan estimate. In 18 minutes he discusses the details here:

(3) Being restored to life if dead.

Ray Kurzweil has been public about his intentions to restore his dead father to life once again in much the same manner.

Here is the trailer to his recent biographical movie.

Everything the Temple does is founded on producing solid results.

We are not interested in theories alone.

Experience is everything.

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Will this religion try to change my current beliefs about god?

We strive to empower you by first encouraging you to think for yourself.

This begins by recognizing beliefs for what they are: assumptions and ways of thinking inherited from groups.

Because we champion the individual above any group, we will never ask you to simply believe anything we tell you.

Instead we encourage you to apply yourself to what we suggest and prove to yourself the value of what we offer.

This is how thousands of others have discovered that what we say is true.

Our claims are not based on faith, but on verifiable truths.
You can bypass belief and test these truths for yourself.

We want you to.

It will empower you.

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> Am I required to attend this Temple every so often like I do church?

Quite the contrary.

As you discover the truths that will actually empower you then you will live these truths more and more.

We don't sit in a church for a few hours once a week.

We live our truth continuously moment to moment.

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I am married and we got married in a catholic church so what does me joining mean for my marriage?

That really depends upon your relationship, doesn't it?

If you have married someone who is highly bigoted and closed minded then the answer is obvious.

If you have married someone who loves you and can allow you to grow into your full potential because he does truly love you then that answer is obvious also.

You probably already know the answer to this question better than anyone else could.

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Can you offer any proof of all this?


The Temple has been in existence for over thirty years with a worldwide membership and a dedicated priesthood.

Our members do not discuss the Temple in public but some have offered private testimonies of the positive ways in which their lives have changed because of their membership.

In-depth topics can be found on the active members' portion of this message board which has numerous forums and thousands of posts on all manner of topics.

Over twenty years of questions about the Temple have been summarized here.

We can and do prove what we say is true.

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Is this some kind of scam?

Absolutely not.

A scam is some type of scheme to swindle money from others.

First, the Temple always delivers on all of its services and products in a timely manner. If you buy a book from the Temple, you get that book. If you pay for a subscription, you get what you pay for. This has been true for over twenty years. We are very proud of our service.

Second, there is no intent to fool anyone about any of the claims of this religion. To the contrary, the Temple is very clear with our disclaimer, found in all of our literature and communications:

"Within lies fact and fancy, truth and metaphor. Discriminate with care."

This is a religion that requires the applicant to think and to test what is offered. We never tell anyone to just have faith or believe in what we say.

Anyone who claims that the Temple is a scam is not being truthful.

Many of these claims were created by individuals who have mimicked our literature and essentially have something else they want to sell to you.

Do not be taken in by them.

See for yourself what is true.

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I heard you were part of another organization.

You were misinformed. The Temple of the Vampire is unique. There are a few rare other organizations that speak positively of us, and we appreciate their assistance with finding potential members. However, the Temple of the Vampire as an organization is quite independent of any other.

Additionally, all members of the Temple have promised to not discuss the Temple in public. Whatever you hear or read about the Temple elsewhere, especially on the internet, cannot be trusted. We do not tolerate crime or criminal advocacy and over the years have had to remove those who would. Consider the source in all such cases.

What you read here and on the Temple website is the only trustworthy public source of information about the Temple.

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How much does Active Membership cost?

Very little. Membership subscription costs $20 a month. Application for active membership has a one-time fee of $75. Our fees are intended to screen out the casually curious, not as an obstacle for the seriously interested.

Please understand that Active Membership is only an option, and not a requirement for fully engaging in the Vampire Religion. You can potentially follow our religion simply by purchasing an authorized copy of The Vampire Bible.

Active subscribing membership enables full access to the Lifeforce Message Board and the Cabal service for arranging in-person meetings between adult members. It remains only an option, however. It is not required.

Full information on how to subscribe to active membership can be found here.

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How many books do you offer?

Everything available to the public can be found here.

Currently for the public we offer eight books to include all five of our Bibles, Revelations, and four journals (Bloodlines).

Additionally for Active Members only, we have a large pdf book that contains all of the Dayside Secrets for earthly Mastery with checklists, references, etc. to supplement the Dayside Secrets forums.

There is one additional book which reveals deeper secrets regarding the Nine Laws of Magic which is still restricted to the Temple Priesthood.

Books are only the words that point to achieving experiences.

It is also important to remember that the internet is filled with false and distorted copies of Temple literature. That is one reason we insist upon obtaining copies directly from the Temple. (There are other reasons as well).

These books contain "open secrets". Anyone can read them but only a few can actually mine the riches within them that require effort and guidance.

Those who only collect and read these books but fail to employ them to obtain the real life experiences are missing the entire purpose.

These books are tools and like any tool need to be used to reveal their true value.

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Why do I have to buy a book to find out more?

The Vampire Bible describes the esoteric essence of our practice and details the method of Awakening as a Vampire yourself. It simply is not possible to understand or practice Vampirism without this information and without this Connection to the Temple.

Additionally, making the small gesture of good will in purchasing an authorized copy from the Temple enables a Nightside Inner Connection to work for you in ritual and to allow Vampiric Transformation to occur.

The authorized Vampire Bible is your true Gateway to our world in more ways than one. At this time, there is no other way to enter our world that works. Do not be fooled.

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What does the Temple do with the money it receives?

Much of the revenue from literature, jewelry, and active membership fees goes to printing, website, and message board maintenance and other business costs. Costs for training seminars cover the travel expenses and rental costs of the seminars themselves.

Any difference between cost and revenue is intended to provide the Temple with a financial buffer and to promote the Temple Mission.

All who come to the Temple do so of their own free will and receive value for value. No one is ever required to do anything and no one is required to remain if they wish to leave.

Additionally, the rumors that the Temple is a source of revenue for other groups or individuals is simply untrue.

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Shouldn't your information be offered free?

The Temple is certainly not for everyone and charging a small sum for our initial instruction book is an indirect way of saying that if you have more pressing financial issues, then you should pass on the Temple until those issues are taken care of.

As far as making money is concerned, as explained on the Temple website one of the Six Secrets of Earthly Mastery is entirely devoted to that issue. We want all of our members to become financially independent by learning how to make money work for them (financial independence) instead of them just working for money (financial slavery). We offer proven investment methods far superior to what is commonly available so that our members can structure a realistic plan to achieve true financial freedom.

For those members who are still struggling with building a day-to-day income stream, we offer specific methods for finding a good fit between your personality type and the careers and businesses with the best opportunities to be rewarding to you both personally and financially.

But please do not feel that you must make a decision to do this if the small fees we charge seem meaningful to you at this time. Our suggestion would simply be to wait until your situation improves such that these sums no longer seem important to you. We'll still be here then, ready to help.

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Do members have to keep their affiliation secret?

No, but we do require them not to discuss Vampirism with non-members. We do this both so that we can control how we are represented and also to protect member confidentiality. We advise members not to reveal their affiliation, but they are welcome to do so provided that they don't discuss the Temple with non-members.

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I want to learn more, but I'm afraid that someone who knows me will find out about it.

We can't guarantee that no one will ever find out about your interest, but we can promise confidentiality. We will neither reveal nor confirm anyone's membership in the Temple of the Vampire, with the sole exception being as required by law such as in a criminal investigation. Members are required to respect this confidence as well. Also, the name on the return label for all Temple mail is simply "TOV Publishing." This policy of secrecy has worked well enough for our members around the world since 1989.

However, if you would be seriously threatened by someone finding out about your interest and you cannot find a way to receive mail from us safely, you might consider coming back later when your situation is more compatible with your interests. We don't wish to cause anyone difficulty due to membership affiliation.

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What happens if I join and later choose to leave membership?

You are quite welcome to do so. You are also usually welcome to return later if you wish.

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What does your priesthood do?

The Temple Priesthood consists of members across the world who have proven to themselves that what we claim is useful and true. This has moved them to swear an Oath of Fealty to the Temple. These individuals typically have a strong command both of their day-to-day lives and of esoteric Vampirism, and therefore often help other members develop in these areas via in-person meetings, personal mentoring, or by helping to teach seminars. They also train in more subtle aspects of the Vampire Arts.

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Why do you capitalize some words that normally aren't capitalized?

Usually for clarity. For instance, we use the capitalized term "Vampire" to distinguish ourselves from the mythical vampire while still emphasizing that we are the source of the latter. Most of our unusual capitalization should be read this way, as an indication of metaphor.

The one exception is in our use of capitalization when referring to Those Who have achieved the Vampiric Condition. We capitalize references to these Elders out of respect.

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Why do you offer jewelry and extra books to the public?

These are meant primarily for members and those few others who would endorse the Temple. We simply decided that the jewelry and most of our books should be available to curious members of the public from the public site. We still reserve some of our literature for our subscribing members.

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Your site is amazing! So your site is how to become a vampire? Did I read that right?? How to get ahead in life?

Yes. That is a good summary.

From the common sense, everyday perspective (what we refer to as the Dayside), we view the Vampire as a metaphor for proactively forging a life of increasing personal control over events for personal satisfaction and happiness.

The Dayside is divided into six categories of control: self-control (intrapersonal), social control (interpersonal), survival (of immediate threats to one's life), health (avoiding disease, boosting vitality, and achieving longevity), money (reducing debt, increasing income, achieving financial independence) and physical immortality (based on two compatible scientifically promising approaches).

As a religion we also refer to members of our Temple as Vampires with a capital "V" in the same way that we refer to members of other religions such as Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, etc.

From the paranormal, transcendent perspective (what we refer to as the Nightside) we view the Vampire as precisely descriptive of our practice of taking the excess radiation of Lifeforce from human beings (Vampirism) to empower our efforts to master psi phenomena to include the out of body experience which, in turn, leads to our traditional approach to Nightside immortality.

We also accept as a working hypothesis the supposition that Others have previously achieved these capabilities and that the most ancient religions referred to Them as Gods. We refer to Them as the Undead Gods and dictated information from Them comprise much of what is found in The Vampire Bible.

We do not assume that the Undead Gods are "supernatural" nor are they considered all-knowing and all-powerful as is the usual conception of Gods such as Jehovah, Allah, etc. We assume the Undead Gods to simply be other human beings who have mastered the esoteric Nightside path that They have shared with us in creating this Temple.

At no time do we require anyone to believe any of the Nightside claims of the Temple. At more advanced stages of Temple membership (called Graded membership) the members can willingly choose to assume that certain elements of the Nightside are correct and true as a working hypothesis to determine if doing so is useful in producing desirable results.

All in all, the Temple is not a search for truth but a laboratory for producing personal results in both the Dayside and Nightside, as desired by the member.

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Usually these are people we were required to remove because they could not follow simple guidelines that require that members stay free of crime, interact with other members with courtesy, and be truthful to the Temple about their accomplishments for Grade.

Also just because someone anonymously makes claims on the internet does not mean they are not lying to YOU about who they are and what they did or didn't do.

I have no doubt there have probably been some past members who thought that they could simply pay fees, get Grades, and then believe they "tested" the Temple. We cannot prevent people from lying to us or to themselves.

If you want to build a jet airplane you have to follow the instructions. If you don't and the plane doesn't fly, it is not the fault of the instructions that were ignored.

Additionally some of those who make these false accusations against the Temple have busily plagiarized our literature and mimicked our structure, sometimes to the extent of even using the same terms such as "Dayside", "Nightside", and "Twilight".

You need only check the copyright date on such things to see that they are all after 1989, which is the copyright date for almost all of the Temple literature.

Do not be taken in by scam artists who try to suggest that this Temple is a hoax.

We have been proving our reality day by day for more than thirty years.

Do the math, check the dates, and you will not be fooled.

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You don't!

You don't have to apply for Grades at all. Graded membership is entirely optional and each level requires that the member testifies to having accomplished the required knowledge and actions for that Grade.

You do not enter Second Circle if you have not testified to having proven that Lifeforce Vampirism is real. You do not enter into the Third Circle if you have not testified to having proven that the Undead Gods are real. You do not enter into Fourth Circle if you have not testified that Magic is real. You do not enter Fifth Circle (Adept) if you have not testified that the Inner Self (the Dragon) is real.

Members enter higher Grades because they want to be able to communicate openly with others whose experiences they now understand to be real. It is the same reason graduate students in physics will prefer to discuss their studies with professors rather than grade school teachers ...or grade school students.

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The Temple charges money because no successful organization can offer goods and services without accepting money or assistance from others and survive.

Possibly the only difference is that the Temple is honest and up front about such things, instead of masking such actions as "love offerings" or "tithing" (in which 10% of your income must be regularly given to a church).

Perhaps there are churches somewhere that refuse to accept money or assistance from others and simply give away all of their goods and services to promote their religion.

I have never heard of any however.

If they did, it wouldn't take long for them to fail.

The Temple was created to succeed.

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Is the Temple of the Vampire considered to be a Left-Hand Path organization? Thank you.

That would depend on what you mean by a "left hand path". Labels like that can be slippery.

Our ethics are clearly explained here:

Additionally since all other paths we are aware of accept death as "good" whereas we do not, then our path may not be best classified as "right" or "left", but simply rational and desirable for those who value their own survival and love life.

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There are NO other active legitimate representations of the Temple anywhere else on the internet.

Only on the Temple website and on this message board can you find us.

Anything else you see or read elsewhere is fraud.

The Temple is NOT active on MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, or any other form of social networking.

The Temple is NOT active on any other website or message board or email list.

Furthermore, Temple members do NOT discuss the Temple anywhere else on the internet.

If you see anyone, anywhere else actively pretending to be representing the Temple in any manner you can be confident that someone is trying to fool you.

Here and only here can you be assured of honest answers from the Temple itself.

If any other site or social media does not simply and directly point to the Temple website then they are tricking you.


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